Welcome to Esos Compliance Services

We are a small consultancy dedicated to achieving SERC or ESOS compliance for our clients for a price that is a low as possible.  

If you need SERC or ESOS compliance for ESOS Phase 2 or 3 then talk to us.

Our Expertise


ESOS Lead Assessor for a company group operating a high-street chain of 40 shops across the UK. 

Offices & Warehousing

Energy Audits of various offices, including the company headquarters of a major UK vehicle maintenance company, and a number of UK distribution warehouses. 


ESOS lead assessor for a light manufacturing company who produces paints, solvents & accessories for the UK car industry.


ESOS Lead Assessor for the UK operations for a global manufacturer of detergent chemicals. 

ESOS Compliance for just £2,000* ........How ?

ECS focuses on ESOS compliance - obtaining compliance with the ESOS legislation at the minimum cost to the client. ECS can do this because the consultancy consists of just the Lead ESOS Assesor and one assistant. Therefore, ECS has:
  • No office overheads - Lead ESOS Asessor is Home-based.
  • No burden of a data analyst team - Data analysis is undertaken by Lead Assessor with small amount of additional assistance if required.
  • No Sales team personnel trying to sell you an Energy Supply Contract  - We obtain ESOS compliance for our client - nothing else!!

...but for that price what do we get..?
Our Client will receive EVERYTHING that is required by the latest ESOS Legislation:  
...But will we comply...?

Yes. Our Lead Assessor helped major companies achieve ESOS compliance. We understand the requirements of the legislation and regularly talk to the EA for clarifications, when necessary.

Who should use ECS ?

Anyone after ESOS Phase3 compliance, including:

  • Healthcare (including Care & Nursing Homes)
  • Transportation companies 
  • Financial & Services companies
Also, if you are non-compliant with ESOS phase 2 then we can help!

ESOS Phase 3 dead-line is approaching....do not delay.....comply today!

* Offer of £2,000 is an indication of what ECS will currently aim to charge clients to achieve ESOS compliance. However, this price may be increased for certain reasons such as a high number of site visits or if the energy consumption data is not available in a suitable spreadsheet format. 

For a binding quotation please contact ECS.
Remember that Lead Assessor prices will rise as the 2023 dead-line approaches.
Contact Details
If you would like further information regarding ECS or a price of ESOS phase 3 compliance then please contact;
Carl Davies
Email: esoscomplianceservices@yahoo.com
Mobile: +44 7855 900182
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